Smooth publishing processes

Say goodbye to publishing-induced headaches! 🌟 OK, I can’t completely promise that. But my new infographic will steer you away from some common pitfalls.

The Articulate editorial process pulls together a handful of learning points from several projects I’ve worked on lately. It highlights key pinchpoints where focused conversations and advance planning can prevent projects from spiralling out of control.

Some simple actions, such as meeting at a pivotal point or switching on tracked changes, can save days of work and pare £££s off the project budget.

Ensuring clarity in these areas is especially important where the people involved are subject experts who are involved only occasionally in publishing.

Of course, what this won’t do is help you understand whether the overall concept is fit for purpose in the first place. But that’s a post for another time.

If someone in your organisation needs help articulating their ideas, or if you need help refining your publication process: drop me a message or go to – I’m here to help.

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