Behavioural insight in comms

Behavioural insight in comms

Doing comms without audience insight is like diagnosing a condition without knowing about the patient!

That’s why I’m starting the week off with a big THANK YOU! To Ruth Dale for this book, which arrived in the post. It was a prize for a competition as part of a really great day of behavioural insights training.

So much learning for me to embed into my own work practice and I’ll be sharing some when I’m over my deadlines. But in case you want a sneak preview, here are three things learnt from the day (not necessarily the most important!):

  • If you want to encourage people to do an action, make it easy.
  • Starting a comms project without understanding your audience is like shouting at people through a megaphone.
  • If you’re not sure what people will like, test your ideas out.


As well as the experience of the day, I’ve now got a whole load of useful tools and models to help analyse audiences and strategies. I can’t wait to get started implementing it all!

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